Monday, 13 of January 2025
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News > 2020
2020-12-17 Next decade in the EU - More oilseeds and protein crops and the same cereal production
2020-12-08 MEPs ask the EC to publish the impact assessment of the Farm-to-Fork and Biodiversity Strategies
2020-12-08 Eurodiputados piden a la CE que publique la evaluación de impacto de las Estrategias De la granja a la mesa y Biodiversidad
2020-11-23 Ideal conditions for sowing cereals in Castilla y León
2020-11-20 Fertiberia, awarded by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) for its commitment to Safety, Health and the Environment
2020-11-18 Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain estimates a cereal harvest of 27.6 million tons with excellent yields
2020-11-16 About to start the bulk of cereal plantings in Andalusia
2020-11-04 The corn harvest in León registers the best figures of the last 30 years
2020-10-27 Enrique Estefanía Salazar receives the Fertiberia Chair Award for Agro-Environmental Studies 2019-2020
2020-10-05 José David Flores receives the Fertiberia award for the best doctoral thesis
2020-09-09 The 24th edition of the Fertiberia rural children's painting contest kicks off
2020-09-01 More than 679,000 producers will receive PAC 2020
2020-07-14 Less wheat but more barley in the European Union this harvest
2020-06-11 Cereal production will reach 25.8 million tons according to Agro-food Cooperatives
2020-06-04 Traders forecast a record cereal harvest in Spain
2020-05-19 Luis Planas - The entire food chain works in a modern, efficient and supportive way
2020-05-19 A higher yield of spring barley is expected in Spain
2020-04-04 Start of the campaign - AlimentáisNuestraVida in support of the agri-food and fishing sector
2020-02-28 The Fertiberia Chair of Agro-environmental Studies has published its Annual Report for the 2019 financial year
2020-02-19 ¿Europe could be self-sufficient in soy¿
2020-02-03 The PAC 2020 starts - What's new
2020-01-17 Isabel Heredia, winner of the XXIII Fertiberia Rural Children's Painting Contest
2020-01-13 Luis Planas receives the first requests from the agricultural sector