Documentos Association > Sectoral situation > 2021-22


The fertilizer market in the year 2021/2022.

item During the last agricultural campaign 2021/22, sales of fertilizers stood at 4 million tons of product, 19.7 percent lower than the figure for the previous campaign. The consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers has decreased (-17.5 percent), phosphate fertilizers (-4.1 percent), and potassium fertilizers have increased (-27 percent), and complex fertilizers (-22.8 percent).

item Expressed in terms of nutrients, sales have reached a total amount of 1.5 million tons, having decreased by 22.1 percent compared to 2020/21, in which 1.9 million tons of nutrients were sold.

item In the 2021/22 campaign, the approximate N: P2O5: K2O ratio of nutrient consumption in Spain was 0.81: 0. 34: 0.33 practically the same as the average of the last five agricultural years. That is, for every 800 tons of N, 340 t of P2O5 and 330 t of K2O were consumed. Spain represents approximately 9 percent of European fertilizer consumption and 1 percent of world consumption.

item ANFFE is a non-profit entity that includes the main national producers of inorganic fertilizers and European manufacturers with commercial representation in our country. The group of companies has a production capacity in Spain of 7.7 million tons of products, of which:

subitem 6.4 million tons correspond to finished products (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrates, urea, nitrogen solutions, superphosphates, potassium chloride, ammonium phosphates, fertilizers solid and liquid complexes, suspensions, special products, and organominerals).

subitem 1.3 million tons are intermediate products (nitric acid and ammonia).


References to Spanish agriculture in 2022.

item The second estimate of the Economic Accounts of Agriculture (CEA) 2022, presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, foresees an interannual decrease of 6, 2 percent in Agricultural Income in current terms, standing at 27,663.6 million euros, about 0.7 percentage points and almost 197 million less than in the first estimate.

item Therefore, the estimated decrease in agricultural income in current terms last year was 1,828.8 million euros less than what was forecast for 2021, the main factor that has contributed to this being the strong increase in the value of intermediate consumption (inputs), especially feed, with a contribution of -16 percentage points to the year-on-year variation in income and experiencing an increase of 35.1 percent in prices. Fertilizers are next in importance, with -4.1 percentage points, and energy, with a contribution of -4 points.

item These downward contributions, on the other hand, were partly offset by the increase in the value of production in the Agricultural Branch, which experienced an interannual increase of 10.6 percent in value, supported mainly by animal production that contributes 15.6 points to the variation in income, due to an upward trend in prices. For its part, plant production experienced a sharp drop in the volumes produced (-13.6 percent), a decrease offset by an increase in prices (+19.9 percent).

item Among the official provisions of interest directly related to agriculture, published during 2022, the following should be noted:

Official provisions on agriculture published in 2022

Among the official provisions of interest directly related to agriculture, published during 2021, the following should be noted:

item Royal Decree 47/2022 on the protection of waters against diffuse pollution produced by nitrates from agricultural sources. BOE 20.01.22

item Specific payment to the cotton crop for the 2022/2023 campaign. BOE 20.01.22

item Insurable goods and yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, subscription dates and unit prices in relation to the insurance for multi-crop vegetable farms, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 08.02.22

item Approval of the forty-third Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 14.03.22

item Royal Decree-Law 4/2022 by which urgent measures are adopted to support the agricultural sector due to the drought. BOE 16.03.22

item Delegated Regulation 2022/467, which establishes exceptional adaptation aid for producers in the agricultural sectors. OJEU No. L 96 dated 03/24/22.

item Modification of goods and insurable yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, dates of subscription and unit prices of insurance for extensive herbaceous crop farms, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 31.03.22

item Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy. BOE 09.04.22

item Maximum budget limit of the simplified regime for small farmers for the 2021 campaign. BOE 11.04. 22

item Order APA/317/2022, which modifies Order APA/908/2021, which defines insurable assets and income , minimum technical conditions for cultivation, scope of application, guarantee periods, subscription dates and unit prices of insurance for extensive arable crops, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 13.04.22

item Granting an exemption to Ireland in accordance with Council Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution by nitrates used in agriculture. OJEU nº L 129 dated 03.05.22.

item Order HFP/413/2022 which reduces for the 2021 tax period the net return indices on irrigated lands that use, to For this purpose, electrical energy applicable in the method of objective estimation of Personal Income Tax for agricultural activities affected by various exceptional circumstances. BOE 11.05.22

item Delegated Regulation 2022/1172 supplementing Regulation 2021/2116 with regard to the integrated management and control system of the CAP and the application and calculation of administrative sanctions within the framework of conditionality. OJEU nº L 183 dated 08.07.22.

item Implementing Regulation 2022/1173 establishing provisions for the application of Regulation 2021/2116 with regard to the integrated management and control of the CAP. OJEU nº L 183 dated 08.07.22.

item Agreement of the Council of Ministers of July 19, 2022, by which the Agreement of November 30, 2021, by which The forty-third Combined Agrarian Insurance Plan is approved, modified by the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of March 8, 2022. BOE 30.07.22

item Law 19/2022, for the recognition of legal personality to the Mar Menor lagoon and its basin. BOE 03.10.22

item Insurable assets and yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, subscription dates and unit prices of farm insurance of forage crops, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 25.10.22

item Implementing Decision 2022/2069 granting the exemption requested by the Netherlands in accordance with Directive 91/676/EEC , relating to the protection of waters against pollution produced by nitrates from agricultural sources. OJ No. L 277 dated 10.27.22.

item Appeal European Commission/Spain (Case C-576/22: Vulnerable Areas due to nitrate contamination). OJEU No. C 418 dated 10.31.22.

item Final regional average values that characterize each region of the regional application model for the basic payment scheme in 2022. BOE 03.11.22

item European Parliament resolution on measures against water pollution caused by nitrates, including improvements in the various nitrate measurement systems in the States members. OJEU No. C 434 dated 15.11.22.

item Insurable assets and yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, subscription dates and unit prices of farm insurance fruit trees. BOE 30.11.22

item Law 30/2022, of December 23, which regulates the management system of the Common Agricultural Policy and other related matters. BOE 12.24.22

item Modification of goods and insurable yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, dates of subscription and unit prices of insurance for extensive herbaceous crop farms, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 31.03.22

item Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy. BOE 09.04.22

item Maximum budget limit of the simplified regime for small farmers for the 2021 campaign. BOE 11.04. 22

item Order APA/317/2022, which modifies Order APA/908/2021, which defines insurable assets and income , minimum technical conditions for cultivation, scope of application, guarantee periods, subscription dates and unit prices of insurance for extensive arable crops, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 13.04.22

item Granting an exemption to Ireland in accordance with Council Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution by nitrates used in agriculture. OJEU nº L 129 dated 03.05.22.

item Order HFP/413/2022 which reduces for the 2021 tax period the net return indices on irrigated lands that use, to For this purpose, electrical energy applicable in the method of objective estimation of Personal Income Tax for agricultural activities affected by various exceptional circumstances. BOE 11.05.22

item Delegated Regulation 2022/1172 supplementing Regulation 2021/2116 with regard to the integrated management and control system of the CAP and the application and calculation of administrative sanctions within the framework of conditionality. OJEU nº L 183 dated 08.07.22.

item Implementing Regulation 2022/1173 establishing provisions for the application of Regulation 2021/2116 with regard to the integrated management and control of the CAP. OJEU nº L 183 dated 08.07.22.

item Agreement of the Council of Ministers of July 19, 2022, by which the Agreement of November 30, 2021, by which The forty-third Combined Agrarian Insurance Plan is approved, modified by the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of March 8, 2022. BOE 30.07.22

item Law 19/2022, for the recognition of legal personality to the Mar Menor lagoon and its basin. BOE 03.10.22

item Insurable assets and yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, subscription dates and unit prices of farm insurance of forage crops, included in the corresponding Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan. BOE 25.10.22

item Implementing Decision 2022/2069 granting the exemption requested by the Netherlands in accordance with Directive 91/676/EEC , relating to the protection of waters against pollution produced by nitrates from agricultural sources. OJ No. L 277 dated 10.27.22.

item Appeal European Commission/Spain (Case C-576/22: Vulnerable Areas due to nitrate contamination). OJEU No. C 418 dated 10/31/22.

item Final regional average values that characterize each region of the regional application model for the basic payment scheme in 2022. BOE 03.11.22

item European Parliament resolution on measures against water pollution caused by nitrates, including improvements in the various nitrate measurement systems in the States members. OJEU No. C 434 dated 15.11.22.

item Insurable assets and yields, minimum technical cultivation conditions, scope of application, warranty periods, subscription dates and unit prices of farm insurance fruit trees. BOE 30.11.22

item Law 30/2022, of December 23, which regulates the management system of the Common Agricultural Policy and other related matters. BOE 12.24.22

item Provisions on the PAC (BOE 29.12.22):

item Basic income assistance entitlements

subitem Governance of the CAP Strategic Plan in Spain and the European agricultural funds EAGF and EAFRD

subitem Management and control system for the interventions of the Strategic Plan and other CAP aid

subitem Implementation of interventions in the form of direct payments and the establishment of common requirements within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan

subitem Rules for the application of the reinforced and social conditionality that beneficiaries of CAP aid must comply with

item Agricultural holdings: benchmark income for 2023 (€32,570.47). BOE 29.12.22

item Royal Decree 1057/2022 approving the State Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity to 2030, in application of the Law 42/2007, Natural Heritage and Biodiversity. BOE 12.30.22


sectoral situation

Evolution of fertilizer production in Spain
(thousands tons)

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Simple Nitrogens 2.216 2.257 2.168 2.078 2.024
Simple Phosphates 215 268 264 265 436
Simple Potassium 937 779 710 549 753
Complex Fertilizers 1.179 1.149 1.241 1.321 1.332

TOTAL Product 4.547 4.453 4.383 4.213 4.545

Evolution of agricultural sales of fertilizers in Spain
(thousands tons)

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Agricultural Sales
Simple Nitrogens 2.621 2.550 2.498 2.436 2.010
Simple Phosphates 178 236 181 147 153
Simple Potassium 342 285 282 321 234
Complex Fertilizers 1.975 1.949 2.165 2.196 1.696

TOTAL Product 5.116 5.020 5.126 5.100 4.093

Evolution of foreign trade in fertilizers.
(thousands tons)

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Imports 3.692 3.882 4.080 4.085 3.442
Exports 2.314 2.178 1.969 2.224 2.487

Official Provisions on Fertilizers published in 2022

item The main official provisions of interest related to fertilizers, published during the year 2022, are the following:

item Correction of errors in Delegated Regulation 2021/1768, which amends Annexes I, II, III to adapt them to technical progress and IV of Regulation 2019/1009, which establishes provisions relating to the making available on the market of EU fertilizer products. OJEU nº L 35 dated 02/17/22.

item Order APA/104/2022, which modifies annexes I, II, III and VI of Royal Decree 506/2013 on products fertilizers. BOE 18.02.22

item Public information on draft European standards related to CTN 142 that have been processed as draft UNE standards, corresponding to the month of February 2022 ( BOE 11.03.22):

subitem PNE-prEN 17816 “Limestone amendments. Determination of physical and chemical properties and contaminants.”

subitem PNE-prEN 17817 “Fertilizer products. Determination of the quantity (indicated in mass or volume).”

item Royal Decree-Law 6/2022 by which urgent measures are adopted within the framework of the National Plan to respond to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine. BOE 30.03.22

item European standard that has been ratified during the month of March 2022 as a Spanish standard ( BOE 13.04.22):

subitem UNE-CEN/TR 14061:2021/AC:2022 “Fertilizers. Determination of dust content. (Ratified by the Spanish Association for Standardization in March 2022).”

item Public information on the draft UNE standard that the Spanish Association for Standardization has in process, corresponding to the month of March 2022 ( BOE 13.04.22):

subitem PNE 142406 “Fertilizer products. Labeling requirements for EU fertilizer products.”

item Resolution of April 11, 2022, of the General Directorate of Agricultural Productions and Markets, by which the Agreement with the Spanish Association is published of Standardization, to promote standardization in agricultural machinery and fertilizer products. BOE 19.04.22

item Royal Decree 309/2022 establishing the indirect cost compensation mechanism for the industrial sectors and subsectors to which it is considered exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage during the period 2021-2030. BOE 04.05.22

item Public information of a draft European standard that has been processed as a draft UNE standard by the Spanish Association for Standardization, corresponding to the month of April 2022 -7759" onclick="'_blank'"> BOE 12.05.22):

subitem PNE-prEN: “17836 Fertilizers. Description of the physical unit.”

item European standards related to CTN 142 that have been ratified during the month of May 2022 as Spanish standards. BOE 06.06.22

item Correction of errors in Regulation 2019/1009 establishing provisions relating to the making available on the market of EU and EU fertilizing products Regulations 1069/2009 and 1107/2009 are modified and Regulation 2003/2003 is repealed. OJEU nº L 161 dated 06.16.22.

item Delegated Regulation 2022/973 which completes Regulation 2019/1009 by establishing agronomic efficiency and safety criteria for the use of by-products in EU fertilizer products. OJEU No. L 167 dated 06/24/22.

item Correction of errors in Regulation 2019/1009, establishing provisions relating to the making available on the market of EU fertilizer products . OJEU No. L 173 dated 06/30/22.

item Delegated Regulation 2022/1171, which modifies Annexes II, III and IV of Regulation 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council in order of adding high purity materials as a category of component materials in EU fertilizer products. OJEU nº L 183 dated 08.07.22.

item UNE standard related to CTN 142 approved by UNE during the month of June 2022 (BOE 11.07.22):

subitem UNE 142406:2022 “Fertilizer products. Labeling requirements for EU fertilizer products.”

item Regulation 2022/1269 amending Regulation 833/2014 regarding restrictive measures motivated by actions by Russia that destabilize the situation in Ukraine . OJEU nº L 193dated 07/21/22.

subitem List of UNE standards related to CTN 142 canceled during the month of July 2022 (BOE 09.08.22):

subitem UNE 142404-1:2012 Fertilizers. Labeling requirements. Part 1: Labeling of solid inorganic or simple mineral fertilizers with main nutrient elements.

subitem UNE 142404-2:2012 Fertilizers. Labeling requirements. Part 2: Labeling of solid inorganic or mineral fertilizers composed with main nutrient elements.

subitem UNE 142404-3:2012 Fertilizers. Labeling requirements. Part 3: Labeling of inorganic or mineral liquid fertilizers with main nutrient elements.

subitem UNE 142404-4:2012 Fertilizers. Labeling requirements. Part 4: Labeling of inorganic or mineral fertilizers with secondary nutrient elements.

subitem UNE 142404-5:2012 Fertilizers. Labeling requirements. Part 5: Labeling of inorganic or mineral fertilizers with micronutrients.

item Law 17/2022 which modifies Law 14/2011, on Science, Technology and Innovation. BOE 06.09.22

item Delegated Regulation 2022/1519 amending Regulation 2019/1009 as regards the requirements applicable to EU fertilizing products containing inhibitory compounds and digestate post-treatment. OJEU nº L 236 dated 09/13/22.

item Royal Decree-Law 17/2022 by which urgent measures are adopted in the field of energy, in the application of the remuneration regime to cogeneration facilities and the VAT rate applicable to intra-Community deliveries, imports and acquisitions of certain fuels is temporarily reduced. BOE 09.21.22

item Correction of errors in Regulation 2019/1009, establishing provisions relating to the making available on the market of EU fertilizer products . OJEU nº L 266 dated 13.10.22.

item Implementing Decision 2022/2070, not to suspend definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of mixtures of urea with ammonium nitrate originating in Russia, Trinidad & Tobago and the United States. OJ No. L 277 dated 10.27.22.

item Implementing Regulation 2022/1998 amending Annex I to Regulation 2658/87, relating to tariff and statistical nomenclature and common customs tariff OJEU No. L 282 dated 31.10.22.

item Law 25/2022 on explosives precursors. BOE 02.12.22

item Public information on draft European and international standards related to CTN 142 that have been processed as draft UNE standards, corresponding to the month of November 2022 -21006" onclick="'_blank'">BOE 12.12.22):

subitem PNE-prEN 1482-4 “Fertilizers, limestone amendments and inhibitors. Sampling and sample preparation. Part 4: Taking samples to detect microbial presence.”

subitem PNE-prEN 17925 “Soil amendments and growing substrates. Determination of the temperature variation profile as a function of time during composting and digestion.”

item Implementing Decision 2022/2427 establishing conclusions on best available techniques (BAT), in accordance with Directive 2010/ 75/EU, for common waste gas treatment and management systems in the chemical sector. OJEU nº L 318dated 12.12.22.

item Regulation 2022/2465 amending Annex I to Regulation 2658/87, relating to tariff and statistical nomenclature and the customs tariff common. OJEU nº L 322dated 16.12.22.

item Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste. BOE 28.12.22

item Royal Decree-Law 20/2022 on response measures to the economic and social consequences of the War in Ukraine and other situations of vulnerability. BOE 28.12.22

item Royal Decree 1051/2022 establishing standards for sustainable nutrition in agricultural soils. BOE 29.12.22

item Royal Decree 1054/2022 which establishes and regulates the Information System for agricultural and livestock farms and agricultural production, as well as the Autonomous Registry of agricultural holdings and the Digital Agricultural Holding Notebook. BOE 29.12.22

Other years: 22/23 21/22 20/21 19/20 18/19 17/18 16/17 15/16 14/15 13/14 12/13 11/12 10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07 05/06 04/05 03/04 02/03